One Day At A Time
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
An Observation from a Work at Home Mom
Today, I had planned to work and go to the store before picking up the little ones at 12. So dropping kids off and getting home, work was planned from 8:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
I get home and spray our yard with some bug treatment. I come in and check my phone to realize I missed a call from the school. My heart dropped. Luckily it was not serious but Marcus needed to be picked up and have his ears checked out. He was not himself. So off I go and to the doctor.
Then we go to the store because that had to be done which is quite adventurous with the 3 year old who has to go potty at the oddest times. While at the store I get a text that may mean I need to get Hannah from the movie theater. Then another text all is well and they're on their way back.
So we bring all the stuff home and on the way, Marcus falls asleep. Off we go to wait on Hannah to arrive back at school from her field trip. No air in the car and it's well over 100. Marcus is sleeping and dripping sweat. We wait......
We get Hannah and head home. We get back home, change clothes, start wash, prepare lunch, do some other household chores, and afternoon play time with the little ones.
Where is work you may be wondering? Well, after all my other afternoon and nightly to dos, I sit down to work about 20 minutes ago for the night.
Yes there are benefits to being at home and God has blessed me with the opportunity to continue to do this. However, just know that when you work from home there is no down time. There is no off time. If something comes up, your work still has to be done. Deadlines are deadlines and regardless of when you finish, you must come to the office to work even if it is night night time.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
God Uses Brokenness
A week ago this past Tuesday, I was asked to be part of a presentation in our church on PathWay ,
I am a new volunteer serving as a teacher with our middle school students. I agreed and immediately discussed it with my husband when I got home that night. I shared thoughts and ideas of what to share but told him I really was not comfortable doing this. It was WAY OUTSIDE my comfort zone and mostly, I am a very private person not openly sharing with others about my life especially feelings.
God gave me the words to speak and I spoke on Sunday morning to our congregation which, from my perspective, was more full than I've ever seen it. There were a lot of people there. Here is what I had to say:
Yes, I cried throughout speaking and even got choked up. It was terrifying getting up in front of so many people and laying out my heart to encourage others to partner with PathWay. Once I was done, it was like I could feel God patting me on the shoulder confirming I had done what I was supposed to and not so much for myself. I did it with a heart of passion for a ministry where God continues to work but God is using that ministry to help heal my broken heart and part of that healing is moving forward. #movingforward
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Yes, I'm sure we can all say that at some point in our lives about a particular situation or mine is been there, done that, and got a t-shirt.
Well this is specifically related to Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies or P31 OBS, for short. I just recently completed a study with the book What Happens When Women Say Yes to God. I was a little unsure because of my time commitment having two children, both under 2 at the time, working on the drama team with my husband, working full-time, and all of life's duties.
God helped me get up early, stay committed, and complete the study. Saying I loved it is not a big enough statement. During this study, I received direction for a volunteer opportunity I was considering, saw a direct miracle of God's protective hand on our 3 month old son and saw God move in a specific ministry I'm involved in at church.
These are just snippets of all I learned, read, absorbed, and saw since beginning that study. I'm not saying your experience will be the same. However, if you won't know until you try it. Please consider joining an OBS and see more information here. The next one is starting this weekend and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me to learn.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Hannah's First Blanket
Friday, June 29, 2012
Some days are better than others.....
This week God spoke to me during a couple of days which have been really hard days. I'm not sure if it's the heat, the upcoming full moon or just frustration with boredom.
Often times I find I judge myself on being a good mother based on my son's behavior. From my perspective I teach him right from wrong, establish rules for behavior, and when he doesn't follow them or has a bad day, I blame myself. I reflect on what could I have done differently. How could I have helped him more in a situation? It often brings me to tears because, as a mom, my heart aches when all is not right emotionally with my son.
This week God spoke to me, "You are a good mother. You are responsible for your reaction to his choices." That has struck a nerve with me and I have discovered myself repeating mentally, "I am a good mother. I am responsible for my reaction to his choices." This led me to meditate on God's Word and take it a step further that my actions should be Christlike.
Amazingly, I ponder if God looks at us in the same way. He has provided us rules, unconditional love but yet, sometimes we choose to go a different path, make a wrong choice....well, we choose to sin. God blessed us with free similarly to the structure of a parent/child relationship. I cannot imagine God telling Himself the same that I have been repeating to myself but I am so thankful for a God who comforts me in the little things.
In this situation, I have been provided the opportunity to see things through God's eyes which opens my heart up to compassion. Simultaneously, it makes me realize although I am crying over the "bad" day had, I am in charge of my reactions to not only my son's choices but everyone I cross paths with. My prayer is that I am always Christlike in my reactions in all situations.
What about you?
Friday, June 22, 2012
Baby Blanket #5