Tuesday, June 14, 2016

An Observation from a Work at Home Mom

I often hear from other moms how they wish they could work from home and how nice it would be.  I agree to an extent with the moms that comment but sometimes I truly wonder if they understand what it is like.  So to help further the understanding here is how a day working from home can go awry.

Today, I had planned to work and go to the store before picking up the little ones at 12.  So dropping kids off and getting home, work was planned from 8:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.

I get home and spray our yard with some bug treatment.  I come in and check my phone to realize I missed a call from the school.  My heart dropped.  Luckily it was not serious but Marcus needed to be picked up and have his ears checked out.  He was not himself.  So off I go and to the doctor.

Then we go to the store because that had to be done which is quite adventurous with the 3 year old who has to go potty at the oddest times.  While at the store I get a text that may mean I need to get Hannah from the movie theater.  Then another text all is well and they're on their way back.

So we bring all the stuff home and on the way, Marcus falls asleep.  Off we go to wait on Hannah to arrive back at school from her field trip.  No air in the car and it's well over 100.  Marcus is sleeping and dripping sweat.  We wait......

We get Hannah and head home.  We get back home, change clothes, start wash, prepare lunch, do some other household chores, and afternoon play time with the little ones.

Where is work you may be wondering?  Well, after all my other afternoon and nightly to dos, I sit down to work about 20 minutes ago for the night.

Yes there are benefits to being at home and God has blessed me with the opportunity to continue to do this.  However, just know that when you work from home there is no down time.  There is no off time.  If something comes up, your work still has to be done.  Deadlines are deadlines and regardless of when you finish, you must come to the office to work even if it is night night time.

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